Silverite and Cold Iron runes do extra damage to Darkspawn and Undead respectively. Besides the occasional baddie which is resistant to the element type you’re using, they are always active. They are useful in a large number of situations and I personally favor them over most other runes in most other situations. The Flame, Frost, and Lightning runes are straight element damage adds. Your rune slots on a weapon are limited, so you will have to decide which runes are worthwhile and which are not. Grandmaster runes are extremely rare, so if you like enchanting weapons pick them up when you can! Rune Tactics
In rank of power from worst to best they are titled Novice, Journeyman, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster. The runes themselves come in a variety of effects and strengths throughout the game. Enchantments can be switched out at any time by going back to the enchanter. A simple drag-and-drop enchantment interface appears. Once you’ve found a weapon of this kind you simply need to go back to the enchanter and ask him to enchant it for you. Weapons which come slotted for runes will appear as such when you view them in your inventory. The son is able to enchant items at your request, and he doesn’t even charge for it! You can’t even use enchantment until you finish Lothering and meet a father and son pair of traders who will be common faces throughout the game. Once you’ve gained a rune it sits in your inventory, useless, until you use enchantment. They are not only found as loot but also given as quest rewards and available for purchase at various vendors. This guide will help you figure out what runes do and how to use them, and also decide which runes you wish to place on your weapons. In fact, you’ll probably pick up these runes before you’ve ever run into an enchanter or a weapon which can be enchanted, so their use can at first be confusing. As you proceed through Dragon Age Origins you will collect various runes from dead enemies and from treasure chests.